What we offer: Spanish Immersion expeditions

Learning a Foreign Language gives you MAGICAL POWERS

Why learn a foreign language?

Why learn a foreign language? In Celtic culture, the forest fairies (Xanas in Asturias) were mythological beings with magical powers and the innate ability to manipulate magic. They protected nature and people’s health. Do you want to have those powers and feel like a Xana walking through the forests of Asturias? You just have to learn a foreign language to get those powers.

Did you know that learning a foreign language gives you MAGICAL POWERS? So what are you waiting for? Here they are all the advantages you get if you learn a foreign language


It gives you access to better job opportunities and differentiates you from others.

In Spain, 34% of all job offers require the command of at least one foreign language. That percentage rises to 60% for recent graduates. Similar percentages exist in the rest of Europe. In the United States, the labor premium for speaking Spanish is clear and growing. Learning a foreign language is a clear asset

Why speaking more than one language can boost economic growth | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)


It increases your brain plasticity,

which is the brain’s ability to modify its structure internally in a positive way in order to adapt to external and internal change. Language learners have more ability to multitask and to adapt to new or unexpected circumstances. This is because moving from one language to another often helps to develop the executive functions of the brain such as linguistic inhibition (in the face of irrelevant content) and change.

The amazing benefits of being bilingual – BBC Future


It broadens your horizons and experiences

allowing you to access other cultures and other ways of thinking. It better connects you with people. As man said: “If you speak to a man in a language he understands, the message goes to his head. If you speak to him in his language, it goes to his heart “


It connects you to diversity and, therefore, with creativity and innovation.


It increases your cognitive ability to access different points of view, according to various studies:

a) It increases activity in the lower left frontal lobe so it helps improve memory and attention to other activities. In addition, bilinguals have a greater capacity to concentrate on a task, ignoring the distractions around them.

b) Bilingual brains present larger and denser gray matter, which provides greater efficiency and speed in the transmission of information or knowledge.


It’s good for your health

a) Recent studies have shown that people who speak more than one language can avoid Alzheimer’s or, at least, delay it.

b) Other studies show that speaking more than one language reduces cognitive damage after a stroke.